Cultural Differences
We help you do your best to objectively view your business situation, independent of your own cultural bias
Strategic Alignment
Our methods can be applied anywhere there is a desire to align your vision, where people may see things differently from each other, and there is desire to find common ground. (Bridging)
Practical Integration
Through coaching, consulting, workshops and training, we can help your organization to become more effective in international business relations.
Since 1993
Intercultural competence
Do you work with people from other cultures?
Of course you do.
Everyone does.
Whether it's national culture, professional culture, differences in gender, race, economic equality, social status, freelancers vs. those firmly planted within an organizational structure - you name it - we all interact with cultures different than our own every day.
The question is: do you want to be more effective?
To be more aware of culture's hidden messages?
To raise your level of intercultural competence?
That's where we come in.
We are a training bureau that focuses on cultural awareness and working with businesses to become more effective in intercultural environments. We do this through:
- Cultural awareness workshops
- Intercultural business coaching
- In-company intercultural training programs
- International sales and marketing consulting
Want to be more effective working with other cultures? See different; do better.
InterCultural Business Coaches, Trainers & Consultants
Business Results through InterCultural Learning Solutions:
Learn from each other. Value the differences. Do better business.
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